Notify changes of member details

It is important that you notify the trade union of any changes in your contact information or employment situation in order to keep your union membership up to date. Many changes in working life also affect the payment and amount of member fees.

Notification of the changes listed below can be submitted either through the e-service Jässäri or by sending an email to

You can also order a new membership card, a power of attorney for the collection of member fees or member fee references by sending a message through Jässäri or by contacting the member register.

Updating contact information

In terms of member communication, it is essential that contact information, that is, phone numbers and email addresses, are kept up to date. Home addresses are updated in Jyty’s member register directly from Posti’s register, unless the member has prohibited the disclosure of the member’s home address. Membership information is updated in Jässäri or alternatively by contacting the member register.

In the case of industrial action, it is crucial that contact information is kept up to date, as we inform members directly by email and, when necessary, by text messages based on the information in the member register. In addition, employment information and contact information are important when providing information on, for example, activities in the occupational field, member benefits, member training, and regional events and functions.

Employment information and changing jobs

The activities of the association are based on an up-to-date member register. It allows us to know who the members working at each employer and workplace are and what are their job titles and agreement sector. When your employer changes, you must enter the name of the new employer, start date of employment, title and the applicable collective agreement for the workplace in Jässäri. You should also make sure that there is no interruption in the member fee if your former employer deducted Jyty’s member fee directly from your salary. Once we have received the notification of a change of employer, we will send a new power of attorney, which can be used to authorise the employer to deduct the member fee directly from your salary. If you have chosen to pay the member fee yourself on a monthly basis, we will send you payment instructions and a reference number.

Students must also notify the union when they start working alongside their studies or when their employment ends. During employment, students pay a member fee and can also join Aaria Unemployment Fund.

Unpaid period

During unpaid periods, Jyty’s member fee paid by the member is EUR 7/month. The reason for an unpaid period can be, for example, a family leave, rehabilitation subsidy, a waiting period for daily allowance from an unemployment fund or transfer to Kela’s sickness allowance or basic unemployment allowance. When receiving earnings-related unemployment allowance, the member does not have to pay their member fee themselves, as Aaria pays Jyty the member fee directly from the daily allowance. You can report an unpaid period through the contact form in Jässäri or by email to


When a Jyty member retires, they can either resign from Jyty or remain a supporting member, that is, as a so-called “pensioner member”, which is possible in most associations. A supporting member has access to the same benefits as full members of Jyty, with the exception of the member insurance policies offered by Jyty (accident insurance and traveller’s insurance for spare time). Member insurance policies are valid for supporting members until the end of the year when they retire. In addition, a supporting member can participate in the local activities of their member association and take advantage of benefits available at their location. The annual cost for a supporting member depends on the association and it is EUR 36 at minimum. Contact your own member association for more information on the cost and benefits of supporting membership. A retired person can also join Jyty’s cooperation association Jytyseniorit.

If you do not want to become a supporting member of Jyty when you retire, you must notify Jyty’s member register in writing of your resignation by sending an email to or by sending a message through Jässäri. Jyty does not automatically receive information about retirement and the termination of trade union membership.

When you retire, it is also a good idea to inform the payroll administration that the power of attorney concerning Jyty’s member fee is no longer valid. Otherwise, the member fee may be mistakenly deducted from your salary if, for example, holiday bonuses are paid after the retirement date or if you return to work for your previous employer on an on-demand basis after your retirement.

Transfer to another association

It may be necessary to transfer to another member association if you move to a new location or change jobs. In terms of representation of interests, you should belong to the same Jyty association as the other Jyty members in your workplace or occupational field.

You can apply for membership in a new association by using the contact form in Jässäri or by sending an email to When transferring to another association, you must state the association where you are applying for membership and the start date of membership. In this connection, you should also provide notice of any changes in your employment relationship. It is advisable to transfer to the new association right from the beginning of your employment relationship. The change of association does not affect the accumulated employment or membership taken into account when evaluating whether the employment or membership requirements are met, which means that when you change from one Jyty member association to another, you do not have to worry about a gap in your membership. A list of Jyty’s local and national associations can be found on the contact details pages. The member register can help you find the right association.


If you resign, you must submit a written notification, for example, as a free-form letter, by email to or by sending a message through Jässäri. The notice of resignation must include the member’s name, date of birth or membership number, the date of resignation, the reason for resignation and information on whether the member wishes to remain a member of Aaria Unemployment Fund.

Jyty’s member fees must be paid until the date of resignation. If the member fee has been deducted directly from the salary, the payroll administration must be notified of the termination of the membership and the expiry of the power of attorney for fee deductions.

Regarding unemployment security, please note that when you transfer to another unemployment fund within one month, the membership and employment times accumulated during your Jyty membership that contribute to fulfilling the membership and employment requirements are transferred to the new unemployment fund. However, a prerequisite for this is that your Jyty member fees have been paid until the date of resignation.