Member fees

The member fee for employed members is based on a percentage. It is calculated from the total salary subject to withholding tax, including fringe benefits, compensation for working hours, holiday bonus and holiday compensation. The member fee is also paid for part-time work and work carried out while receiving adjusted daily unemployment allowance.

The monthly-paid member fee includes the shares of the member association, union and unemployment fund. Member fees of trade unions may be deducted in taxation.

Percentage membership fee

The percentage membership fee is 1.32% of the total income subject to withholding tax. The exceptions are 3 associations with a membership fee of 1.40%.

The easiest way to pay the member fee is to give your employer a power of attorney with which the member authorises the employer to deduct the membership fee directly from the salary. Request a power of attorney from your association or union, tel. 020 789 3720, or tel. 020 789 3730, and submit power of attorney to your employer’s payroll administration. Check your payslip to make sure that the employer deducted the member fee in accordance with your authorisation.

You can also pay your member fees yourself by using the reference number. In this case, you must personally take care of paying the member fee, as we do not send any monthly invoices for member fees. When paying monthly, the due date of the member fee is the 15th day of the following month, with the payment then recorded for the correct month. You can check your members fee status in Jässäri. You can use the calculator available in Jässäri to calculate your member fee. The calculator can also be used to create a member fee reference, which allocates the member fee to the specified period.

You can calculate the membership fee with the calculator below. Choose the membership fee percentage from the drop-down menu. The membership fee is 1.32%. The exceptions are the following associations, whose membership fee is 1.40%:

  • 131 Jyty Kalajoki ry, Jyty Kalajoki rf
  • 657 Maatalouslomittajat ry
  • 762 Neuvonta-alan Toimihenkilöt – NEUVO ry

Membership fee calculator

Member fee in euros

A member fee of EUR 7/month is paid by members who have not received pay for at least 30 days: leave of absence, leave from work, studies, sick leave, waiting period, Kela’s daily allowance, rehabilitation allowance (= fixed-term disability pension) and maternity, paternity, child-care and parental leave. You can report an unpaid period through the contact form in Jässäri.

Benefits paid by the unemployment fund

A member fee that is based on a percentage is deducted from the unemployment fund benefit (daily unemployment allowance, job alternation allowance, etc.), with the member fee including the shares of the union and the unemployment fund. The unemployment fund deducts the member fee directly from the benefit. If you are paid adjusted daily unemployment allowance when you work on an on-demand basis or part-time, you must remember to pay the member fee yourself from your earned income or provide the employer with a power of attorney for the collection of the membership fee. More information about benefits is available on the unemployment fund’s website.

Student membership

The membership fee is free for a full-time degree student joining Trade Union Jyty for the first time

The membership fee is free for a full-time degree student joining Trade Union Jyty for the first time. Jyty’s student members mainly study at vocational colleges or adult education centres, sports institutes, universities of applied sciences or universities. Students studying in general upper secondary schools can also become student members of Jyty.

Work and membership fee for a student member

If a student member works alongside studies, they pay a percentage membership fee for the time they receive a salary.

Work requirement for membership of the unemployment fund

When a student works a minimum of 18 hours per week, they are advised to join the unemployment fund, since it accumulates work requirement. This concerns members of the age of 18-67.

From workforce member to full-time student

A Jyty workforce member, who starts full-time studies or is on study leave and does not receive a salary during the studies, pays a membership fee of 7 € per month.


Full membership of the union and the unemployment fund ends when a person retires. Notify your association’s contact person or the union of your retirement, tel. 020 789 3720 or Most associations, however, allow one to become a supporting member, with the annual member fee being at least EUR 36 depending on the association. A retired person can also join Jyty’s cooperation association Jytyseniorit.

When you retire, it is important that you terminate the power of attorney for member fee collection that you have given to payroll if you continue to work occasionally for your former employer. Jyty will not notify the payroll about your resignation.

Entrepreneur’s member fee

If a member becomes self-employed, union membership can be retained for 18 months. Such members pay a euro-based member fee, which is EUR 7 €/month. More information on entrepreneurship is available on the website of the unemployment fund.

Member fee waiver

Member fees are waived for the period of conscript and non-military service. You can have your member fee waived by sending us, for example, your call-up document or another certificate.