Trade Union Jyty negotiates collective agreements in the municipal sector, wellbeing services counties, private sector and in the Church sector. The largest municipal agreements in terms of the number of members are the general collective agreement for the municipal sector, the health and social services agreement and the agreement for technical staff. In the private sector, the largest agreements are AVAINTES and the agreements for the social services sector, health service sector, education sector and the advisory sector, as well as the general agreement. The agreement applicable to the field of the Church is KirVESTES.
Trade Union Jyty negotiates in the municipal sector as part of the Public Sector Union (JAU) formed by Jyty and JHL. In the Church sector, Jyty and JHL form the union for the Church sector (Kirkon alan unioni). Regarding counterparties, employers are represented by the Local Government and County Employers KT and, for the Church, by the Church’s labour market institute (Kirkon työmarkkinalaitos). In the AVAINTES agreement, employers are represented by Avaintyönantajat Avainta ry. In addition, Jyty concludes collective agreements with employers’ organisations belonging to the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) and with other private employers’ organisations. Jyty negotiates a total of 18 collective agreements on behalf of its members.
Follow the contract negotiations and industrial action on this page, on Twitter with the tag #reilutkorotukset and through the Jyty magazine.
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