
Jyty’s e-services are available to union members. They consist of three separate systems: Jässäri is intended for all members, while Operetti and Omanetti are aimed at trade union activists.

You can log in to Jyty’s e-services through the quick link at the top of the website or by clicking the button “Log in to e-services”, which you can find below. You can use the same link to log in to all e-services, that is, Jässäri, Operetti and Omanetti.

When logging in to Jyty’s e-services strong identification with bank codes or mobile certificate is used. You can log in to Jyty’s e-services using the address: https://asiointi.jytyliitto.fi/.

Jässäri – E-service for members

  • intended for all union members
  • updating your membership information
  • your member fee information
  • member fee calculator
  • Registration for Jyty’s trainings and courses
  • contact information for your association and shop stewards

Operetti – E-service for union activists

  • member register service for union activists
  • access restricted to the associations’ staff and personnel representatives

Omanetti – Extranet for union activists

  • information channel and data bank for union activists
  • access restricted to the union’s administration, association activists and personnel representatives

Further information:
Member services
tel. 020 789 3730 (Mon 9 a.m.–11 a.m., Tue 12 p.m.–14 p.m Wed closed, Thu–Fri 9 a.m.–11 a.m.)
email: jasenrekisteri@jytyliitto.fi